Beckah, Annie, Allison, and I (all being from the west coast) were in need of seeing the ocean. So we headed towards Broadstairs, which boasted some touristy things to do.

We should have known that things were not going to go our way from the horizontal rain coming at us all day. In the morning we were still optimistic that things would turn our way. Again we should have used our misinformed train conductors as clues to our impending demise. Due to their "helpful" advice our 40 minute train journey turned into an hour and a half.

But finally we made it and were all set to tourist this place up! Too bad luck wasn't on our side. An amazing common thread followed us everywhere we went that day.

(Don't be alarmed... we still laughed our way through the day!)

The theme for the day was CLOSED

First stop on our journey was Dickens House (where he vacationed in the summer)

CLOSED (only open on Saturdays and Sundays during this time of year. We were there on a Friday.)

How about Crampton Tower?

CLOSED... opening for the season the very next day! Was the world playing an awesome joke on us?

Well how about the Crampton Tower Museum? I bet you can guess the answer to that question.

Even the ticket window for the Broadstairs Rail Road... closed... luckily we had already purchased our tickets.

We decided to eat away our sorrows with sweets.
Yum... French Fancies... Chocolate

But do not fret, or feel sorry for us!

We still had a blast every rainy and wet step of the adventure.

And laughed ourselves to tears. (Have I mentioned that I have awesome friends!)

In the words of Allisoni (borrowing from Casablanca)... we'll always have Broadstairs!

I can't wait to see where our next adventure takes us!