Friday 11 February 2011

True Grit

Today True Grit opened in England. We have all been very impatient waiting for it to finally get here. And I have to say that it lived up to my expectations and then some. I did however wonder how our British friends thought of the film. I, an American, struggled at time with the thick accents. I have no idea how much the British understood. I did notice that they didn't really laugh when we did. Then again maybe we just differ in our sense of humor.

Some of our favorite quotes were:

"I do not know that man"

"You are not Le Beef"

"Well that didn't pan out..."

"Abandoned me to a congress of louts!"

"You do not varnish your words."

among other gems.

So at home I decided we would all pose as Reuben "Rooster" Cogburn since I happened to have an eye patch in my purse. (What doesn't everyone?) These are the gorgeous shots that came form that adventure.

The only sad part on today was that we all missed America just a little bit. I mean how could we not? Horses, Cowboys, Deserts, guns... etc. Plus this movie just made me think and miss my Dad. But it was an incredible film, and had amazing performances form its stars! I would recommend this to anyone. But I do have to say that the western violence is a bit much. I'm not sure how it passed the PG-13 rating. Be warned... it still is a Coen brothers movie!


  1. Jacob and I loved this movie too! It was pretty violent, but the script is so good...Carrie called it "Hillbilly Shakespeare," and I think the phrase describes True Grit PERFECTLY.

    My favorite lines were two of your favorites: "I do not know this man" and "Well that didn't pan out."

    We're LONGING for The King's Speech now...its R rating means it's not coming to any of the theatres in Rexburg, so we'll either have to make the drive to I.F. or wait for it to come out on DVD. I might not be patient enough to wait for the DVD.

  2. AND DID KATHLEEN CHOP HER HAIR!? Maybe that happened a while ago and I'm just not paying attention...but it looks great in this picture! That gorgeous woman.

  3. It's a great show. I love that it lets itself have quiet moments. There's some action and some tense stuff but there's some wonderful shots that have great color and gravity.
