Annie is such a great roomie. She is a daily example to me of diligence and dedication. Annie is steady and strong and constant. She is practical, and has a different view point that has helped me in many instances.

Annie has a great sense of humor and a great love of many of the things I hold dear. She is a great person to watch movies with, to take a walk with, to participate in theatre together, and to have gospel discussions. Annie is a talented artist in every sense of that word. Annie is also an incredible cook. She has a love and a speciality in cakes and baking! Annie is a woman of many hats, and I feel so grateful that I get to see so many of those skills.

One thing you may not know is that Annie is a bear! She loves her sleep, and at times you may think she is hibernating... especially in the winter. We would joke that at 8 it was Annie's bed time. That was a bit extreme, but she usually was in bed by 9. She also does an awesome bear run. =)

Another fun bit of interesting news about Annie is that she attacks vegetables like a dinosaur. She loves her fresh vegetables and fruits. And she chews powerfully, to a point where I worry it could be painful. She really chews with vigor.

Annie also has a powerful testimony of the gospel, and I got to see her faithfully fulfilling her calling, and helping out in the ward wherever she was needed. She lives the gospel faithfully, and she has a strong grasp of the doctrines, and the scriptures. She is a strong and steady member who strengthens all those around her. She really is a blessing to those who get to know her.

Annieface I love and miss you and want you to know how dear and loved you are to me! I cannot wait for our next adventures!