Thursday 2 December 2010

Shot in the Arm

Fun fact: I didn't even like poetry until my junior year of college. I went from not-liking-it, to loving-it, to wanting-to-write-it, to writing-it-a-lot, to majoring-in-it, to paying-money-to-get-a-Master's-in-it. Oh, the practicality of me. So it was nice to get an email last week informing me that New Millennium magazine wants to publish my poem 'Proper Procedure' in their January issue. Okay, so not so much 'nice' as 'totally rad and life-affirming and very very silly'. My first-ever publication! Whee! I'm grateful.


  1. Annieface I am so proud of you! I can't wait to see your published worked.

    PS you're awesome!!!

  2. That's so cool, Annie! Congratulations!

  3. HOORAYHOORAYHOORAY!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! You inspire me. =)

  4. Congratulations :) I'd like your autograph

  5. Annie, that's great. We don't really know each other but I dabble in that poetry crap myself. Those other jokers you stay with me know me and know I'm nerdzo about the stuff.

    Your first publication is a big deal. That's awesome. My rule is celebrate every publication like it's your birthday. Hope you have many more.
