Jesse wrapped the present. And what a fabulous job he did.

Then he had to be the annoying older brother and keep her present from her.

Finally she got her present.

She opened it and loved it. It is such an Annie apron.

After dinner, dessert, and general good merriment the Thorsons decided to be a little crazy. They were like a performing act from the circus. The best idea they had was to try and get a tic tac from Jesse's mouth into Kathleen's nose and out her mouth. Unfortunately they failed; but it was hilarious.

And the best way to end the birthday evening was with a rousing game of wordtwist. The Pilgrims household is obsessed with that facebook game. Annie, Kathleen, and I were trying to play, but were being distracted by Jesse. Annie and Kathleen were not too pleased by the distraction.

Birthdays are awesome!
The end!
Sarah! Was that necessary? We are legit grad students. No one will ever buy my "budding poet/photographer" image now! I have enough to overcome, what wih my wholesome childhood and nuclear family. Ugh.