Friday 14 January 2011

we aren't quite dead

--just mostly. So our "adventures" lately have gotten a little less silly, and more studly. Studily. Studious. Our final essays/poetry portfolios are due next week, and school starts up then too. Our dear Sarah has fallen ill and is feverishly trying to finish her essays on European theater.

Annie has now come down with the bug as well, and the two sickos stay up in their room writing and sleeping. Jesse and I have decided they're the grandparents from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Poor old Grandpa Joe.

Jesse is healthy so far, and has the most writing to do out of all of us. When he finishes his Shakespeare and Material Culture essay, he has vowed to never teach or read Shakespeare again. Unless he wants to.

I am taking a break for a moment from the oft-deflating process of poetry writing and translation. Aside from my own work, I'm currently translating the poetry of former Elle editor Denise Jallais. It's fascinating stuff, and as far as I've been able to find, hasn't been translated into English. In fact, although she has five books of poetry published in French, I haven't been able to find almost any biographical information on her. I'm not even sure if she's still alive. If any of you poetry peeps have any information, please let me know. Anyway, we're not dead yet, just actually doing schoolwork.


  1. I can't decide if this makes your current English situation more or less appealing.

    I sure love ya, though.

  2. Oh, so, like, are you saying you're really there to go to school?
