We decided to go into London. MacBeth was being done in Middlesex Prison, and student tickets were still available, so we decided to make a day of it. We would go in earlier in the day, stop by the globe to try and see Hamlet, and then head over to see MacBeth. Well that all seemed like a great plan, and would have been, had it worked out that way.

The train ride was fairly normal for going to London. The high speed train was busy, but a short ride. Kathleen caught a picture of Jesse and Annie, that made them look like a 'Kindle' ad. The weather also seemed to shine upon us on this day of celebration. All seemed well until we got to the Globe. Hamlet was completely sold out, so we were going to need to plan what to do with the 5 hours we now had free until our evening show.

The walk from the Globe to St. Paul's Cathedral was lovely. We got some great shots of the view, and a few amusements on the way. Our favorite was the little spiny things before you cross the street. Jesse and Kathleen made a lovely cute scene for the tourists walking by. (I refuse to group myself with the tourists.)

Once in the gardens at St Paul's we received the phone call. The actor portraying MacBeth had severely injured himself during the performance the night before. He had hit is head on a low archway and then fell back and smacked his head and back on the stone floor, and now our show was cancelled. This came as a bit of a shock to us. We had prepared ourselves to possibly not catch anything at the Globe, but then to not see the show we paid for... that was disappointing.

We regrouped at the cafe 'Paul' right next to St. Paul's and tried to figure out what to do for the day. We ate our Krispy Kreme donuts, and decided to go to the largest mall in London. Jesse ended up getting free toothpaste; Kathleen bought a really cute swimsuit, and Annie bought a cute blue lightweight coat.

We then tried to call around to see if we could get inexpensive tickets for either Phantom of the Opera or... another show that seems to have escaped my brain. Sadly none of these shows had cheap seats left, or really any seats for that matter. So we ate at a yummy burger place, and had milk shakes, burgers, and fries. YUM!
And while eating I was blessed to see Jesse, Kathleen, and Annie practice their Robert DeNiro impressions for me.
So even though our day didn't go as planned AT ALL, it was still a great day out with some of my most dearest friends, and another silly adventure we can share.
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