Kathleen crept past the bathroom where Jesse was bathrooming and hollered up to Sarah in her calmest, most nonbleeding voice,
"Sarah. Come here please. I need you."
Sarah came down and inspected the wound. Sarah wondered where the rest of the finger was. She wrapped Kathleen's hand in wet paper towels in an adeptly trained way, called Jamie Who Has A Car, and began stuffing leftover pasta shells in Kathleen's mouth. Jesse came out of the bathroom and was told to go to his room. However, some quick thinking prompted Jesse to come back out with Kathleen's trousers, as she was in her jimjams. As Sarah threw some juice in Kathleen's mouth and Kathleen held her hand over the sink, Jesse (with practiced skill) pantsed Kathleen and repantsed her.
Sarah cleaned up the glass and told Jesse the piece of finger on the glass was food.
Jamie Who Has A Car came with his car on his wedding anniversary which he was spending feeding the missionaries but it's ok because they were saving the good pudding for later when they were alone and took Kathleen and Sarah to urgent care.
"Was this your first time doing the washing up?" asked the triage nurse. The triage nurse was Filipino and Kathleen had trouble deciding if he was a sarcastic man based on his Asian vocal cadences.
He gave Kathleen a Vietnam bandage and told her not to do the dishes for a long time.
Then, a very sweet and smoky nurse with lots of blue eyeliner under her eyes scolded Kathleen for taking all the skin off, as there was nothing left to stitch. Kathleen was secretly very relieved to not be getting stitches. The nurse gave Kathleen spare dressings which looked like condoms, told her they looked like condoms, and showed her how to apply them, using the word condom once more.
Jamie W.H.A. Car came back and picked up the girls and brought them home nicely. They found upon arrival that Jesse, feeling useless, was biking to the next village to buy supplies for chocolate cake. He came home and made a beautiful chocolate cake with ganache and raspberries and cream cheese/whipped cream frosting.
And Kathleen didn't have to do the dishes, because she's not very good at it.

*Jesse wants it noted that in life threatening situations like "flaming babies" he's very calm.
Oh, Sweetie, is your finger going to be OK???
ReplyDeleteP.S. Love the post, our Superman, and the cake if I could have some? Thanks Sarah, Jamie-with-the-car, and the nurse with blue eyeliner!
Aw, sorry, Kathleen. :(
ReplyDeleteAre we genetically inclined to attract knife injuries or something?? I'm glad it was only a finger, and I hope it heals well, considering what it sounds like what you did to it. Get better!
Love, Erin
Have you actually lost a piece of finger? I think its mean of you to write this in a comic way as it made me laugh which made me feel bad about myself. Get well soon.
ReplyDeleteNever fear, just a little off the side. It's about a dime-size hole a few mm thick. Mostly it was just another bit of silliness.
ReplyDeletePoor kathleeny sargeantiny! I hope you're finger gets better! But not too soon, so you don't have to do dishes again. I hate doing dishes.
ReplyDeleteAt least you had Jesse who could put pants on Kathleen and bake chocolate cake :)
ReplyDeleteOh dear oh dear! Poor Kathleeny! I'm so sorry you bled so much, but your writing skills are so delightful.
ReplyDeleteJacob wants to know if your finger is now smaller than it used to be.
laughing, so much laughing!