First off I have to say that the Globe is awesome, and I cannot wait to see a production in that space. I would love to perform in a space like that! Jesse and I were like kids in a candy store! Giggling the whole time. I mean can you imagine creating, and performing here! So inspiring.

Yeah, this is a random mural on the walls of one of the side booths.
Platter of limbs.... anyone?

Jesse and I were pretty annoyed with the immaturity of the rest of the group, so we decided to skip out on the acting workshop, and go see a show instead. On our way to Leicester Square we made a detour to the cafe "Paul" near St. Paul's Cathedral to have their infamous hot chocolate.
Let's just say it lives up to it's hype! Holy cow everyone needs to try it.

So we decided to see "Wicked" at the Apollo theatre. It had been so long since I had seen a good ol' Musical. I was so excited for the safety of it. I have seen enough shock and vulgarity for a lifetime.

We had amazing seats! But right near our armrests there were binoculars that you could get for a pound. We did it just for the experience, not that we necessarily needed them.

The show was beautiful, and so enjoyable. There were a few moments where we giggled because all of the characters were British, so it changed the sound of some of the songs, and some of the words didn't play as well as if it were an American dialect being used. (For instance the song Popular, it didn't quite make the audience laugh as much at the Populer... lar moment.) But all in all it was fantastic, and a wonderful night out at the theatre!
And our evening wouldn't be complete without running at full speed towards our train, and barely making it as the doors closed. And also being held in a tunnel for a half an our because of trouble on another line. I do have to say that I am grateful for the tube, and a good sense of direction.
So to recap our trip to London...
Globe = good
Paul = good
Yo Sushi = good
Wicked = GREAT!
adventure = good
Silly = good
Wicked is next to Victoria station which has a direct line to Canterbury. However that is useless information. What is useful information though is that I've renamed you all. We and others use the term Thee Americans to talk about you. And whilst you refer to them all as your England family, to us you are the American family. I thought the Americans seemed a bit inpersonal so in the Potter household I've renamed your family (for communication purposes) you are now known as the McJagson's.